"You can hold to enforce control, limit, or disempower. You can also hold to support, give assurance, and from a space of allowance, of having one's back. Holding space for someone allows them to be received."
- Manjunath Mysore



The Access Consciousness Abuse Hold session is a magical tool that can transform abuse that's locked in the body and give you more of you. A space of no judgement where one does not need to hold on to the lies, stories, and points of view anymore.

It's a one-to-one body process involving gently holding the client for about 45 minutes, while allowing them to undo and let go of trauma related points of view locked in their body.

This process does not necessitate reliving the past in order to change it. Just a possibility of seeing everything as is and without the need to make it right or wrong can provide remarkable power to release energies that could have been locked for lifetimes.

The Abuse Hold is highly dynamic and can transform deep rooted issues and make more space available for ease and joy of life.

For more information about Abuse Hold you can visit the Abuse Hold Class page on the Access Consciousness website. 

And also What does the Abuse Hold do?


Available between
20 - 26 October 2022
Bogota, Colombia

45 minutes • 100 USD

Book a session